Cell metab:想减肥?到底应该少吃饭还是少吃肉?
近日,来自美国美国国立卫生研究院的研究人员进行了一项最新研究,对减少碳水化合物或脂肪摄入如何影响身体脂肪含量进行了研究,相关研究结果发表在国际学术期刊cell metabolism上。
来自美国NIH的Kevin Hall建立了一种数学模型对上述问题进行了模拟,结果发现只限制碳水化合物的摄入会引起身体燃烧掉的脂肪量发生变化,而减少脂肪摄入则会导致全身性的脂肪减少。但这一模型一直缺少人类研究数据进行验证。
Calorie for Calorie, Dietary Fat Restriction Results in More Body Fat Loss than Carbohydrate Restriction in People with Obesity
Kevin D. Hallcorrespondenceemail, Thomas Bemis, Robert Brychta, Kong Y. Chen, Amber Courville, Emma J. Crayner, Stephanie Goodwin, Juen Guo, Lilian Howard, Nicolas D. Knuth, Bernard V. Miller III, Carla M. Prado, Mario Siervo, Monica C. Skarulis, Mary Walter, Peter J. Walter, Laura Yannai
Dietary carbohydrate restriction has been purported to cause endocrine adaptations that promote body fat loss more than dietary fat restriction. We selectively restricted dietary carbohydrate versus fat for 6 days following a 5-day baseline diet in 19 adults with obesity confined to a metabolic ward where they exercised daily. Subjects received both isocaloric diets in random order during each of two inpatient stays. Body fat loss was calculated as the difference between daily fat intake and net fat oxidation measured while residing in a metabolic chamber. Whereas carbohydrate restriction led to sustained increases in fat oxidation and loss of 53 ± 6 g/day of body fat, fat oxidation was unchanged by fat restriction, leading to 89 ± 6 g/day of fat loss, and was significantly greater than carbohydrate restriction (p = 0.002). Mathematical model simulations agreed with these data, but predicted that the body acts to minimize body fat differences with prolonged isocaloric diets varying in carbohydrate and fat.