资深作者Susan A. Slaugenhaupt博士是麻州总医院研究所主任,并担任哈佛医学院的遗传学(神经学)教授。她表示:“这项工作提示了对调节瓣膜生长和发展的信号途径的新见解,并提出了一个二尖瓣的长期结构完整性的基础。”另一位共同作者Robert Levine医学博士说:“这一发现可以让我们从遗传这种基因突变的人开始防止这种先天疾病。了解这种基因如何在瓣膜形成早期导致缺陷,使得我们了解如何防止这种情况的进展,以保持瓣膜和心脏健康,帮助患者避免发生并发症。”
Mutations in DCHS1 cause mitral valve prolapse
Ronen Durst, Kimberly Sauls, David S. Peal, Annemarieke deVlaming, Katelynn Toomer, Maire Leyne, Monica Salani, Michael E. Talkowski, Harrison Brand, Ma?lle Perrocheau et al.
Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is a common cardiac valve disease that affects nearly 1 in 40 individuals1, 2, 3. It can manifest as mitral regurgitation and is the leading indication for mitral valve surgery4, 5. Despite a clear heritable component, the genetic aetiology leading to non-syndromic MVP has remained elusive. Four affected individuals from a large multigenerational family segregating non-syndromic MVP underwent capture sequencing of the linked interval on chromosome 11. We report a missense mutation in the DCHS1 gene, the human homologue of the Drosophila cell polarity gene dachsous (ds), that segregates with MVP in the family. Morpholino knockdown of the zebrafish homologue dachsous1b resulted in a cardiac atrioventricular canal defect that could be rescued by wild-type human DCHS1, but not by DCHS1 messenger RNA with the familial mutation. Further genetic studies identified two additional families in which a second deleterious DCHS1 mutation segregates with MVP. Both DCHS1 mutations reduce protein stability as demonstrated in zebrafish, cultured cells and, notably, in mitral valve interstitial cells (MVICs) obtained during mitral valve repair surgery of a proband. Dchs1+/? mice had prolapse of thickened mitral leaflets, which could be traced back to developmental errors in valve morphogenesis. DCHS1 deficiency in MVP patient MVICs, as well as in Dchs1+/? mouse MVICs, result in altered migration and cellular patterning, supporting these processes as aetiological underpinnings for the disease. Understanding the role of DCHS1 in mitral valve development and MVP pathogenesis holds potential for therapeutic insights for this very common disease.